Ett axplock av all den uppmärksamhet årets SIME fick i media!
Zennström varnar för ny Internetbubbla - Sara Lomberg, e24
"Facebook är ett underklassfenomen" "Citatet är inte mitt, det kommer från Alexander Bard, enligt SIME:s presentation filosof, popstjärna och provokatör. Det levererades under en paneldiskussion på årets SIME-konferens på Berns." - Adam Erlandsson, SvD
Hektiskt jobb för högt uppsatt svensk "Under den pågående Sime-konferensen passade sökjätten, som är en av sponsorerna, på att lansera mobilannonser på den nordiska marknaden. Om några veckor kommer mobilanvändare i Sverige, Norge, Finland och Damnark som söker på Google att få samma typ av sponsrade länkar i sina sökresultat som när de söker från en dator." - Adam Erlandsson, e24
SIME har startat på Berns "Idag drog internetkonferensen SIME igång på Berns salonger i Stockholm. Med ett husband som speler dunkande electro och ett eget filmteam som dokumenterar allt, kombinerat med en uppsjö av spex känns konferensen mer som ett Dreamhack för vuxna än en träff för IT-världens toppar. Men på talarlistan finns tunga namn som Niklas Zennström och Esther Dyson." MetroTeknik
Gratis är gott "Hur tjänar man pengar på något som är gratis? Den frågan ställdes till en panel av gratisgurus under innovationsmässan Simes andra dag". MetroTeknik
Sime har egen signal "Många mässor har anteckningsblock, pennor och fåniga knappar. Men rätt få har nog en egen ringsignal." MetroTeknik
Fyra tycker till om Sime MetroTeknik
Google börjar med reklam i mobilerna "På SIME talade Googles Sverigechef Petri Kokko: Med Google mobilannonser kan nordiska annonsörer öka räckvidden av sin marknadsföring på ett ekonomiskt och effektivt sätt. Samtidigt får användare relevanta annonser när de är på språng och behöver viktig information snabbt." MetroTeknik
Esther Dyson: "Du kommer aldrig lära känna Bill Gates" Ola Jacobsen, MetroTeknik
Google lanserar mobilannonser "Google tillkännagav idag, på det digitala eventet Sime, att företaget nästa månad ska börja sälja annonser i mobilen på den nordiska marknaden." Dagens Media
SIME - reflektion efter 14 timmars sömn - "Tack Ola Ahlvarsson & Co för att ni tar SIME till nya höjder år för år. Och tack för att ni får internetvärlden att titta på Norden/Sverige/Stockholm en gång om året" - Johan Siwers,
What's Next-panelen från SIME "En minipanel med Fredrik Wass, redaktör internetworld, och Joakim Jardenberg, vd Mindpark, om intrycken från första dagen på SIME".(Podcast)
Dialog med Esther Dyson "Min reflektion: Ester Dyson regerar. Hon är klok, kunnig och ödmjuk. Tänk att ha henne som mentor!" - Björn Alberts,
Talangarna får alltid plats"Det gick ett sus genom publiken i salongen på Chinateatern. Den första paneldebatten på webbkonferensen SIME hade precis börjat och diskussionen blev genast intensiv. Nätokraten och artisten Alexander Bard mässade ut sitt budskap, och åhörarna blev minst sagt förvånade" Fredrik Wass, InternetWorld
Vin(n)are på e-handel - "Sveriges största vinklubb, Australian Wine Club, lanserar vinförsäljning på internet.
- Vi levererar det direkt från Tyskland och betalar alla skatter, säger grundaren Mark Majzner. Mark Majzner lanserade den nya e-handelslösningen på webbkonferensen SIME, Scandinavian Internet Media Event, på torsdagen." Sofi Thunvik, InternetWorld
Google lanserar mobilannonser "Googles chef i Sverige och Finland, Petri Kokko, talade på internetkonferensen SIME på torsdagen. Han passade på att presentera en nyhet: Nu lanseras mobilannonser i Norden." Sofi Thunvik, InternetWorld
Firefox webbläsare i mobilen i framtiden "Visionen av internet idag fanns redan för 15 år sedan. Det menar Mozillas Europachef Tristan Nitot. Mozilla, vars webbläsare Firefox har 25 procent av användarna i Europa, var på plats på internetkonferensen SIME, Scandinavian Internet Media Event." Miriam Olsson, InternetWorld
Esther Dyson förespråkar digital demokrati Miriam Olsson, InternetWorld
Zennström ser tecken på ny bubbla
Marcus Jerräng, InternetWorld
Media om SIME Awards
Aftonbladet: "Aftonbladet kan få Internetvärldens Oscarspris"
NyTeknik: Polar Rose fick Sime-pris för bästa internettekniken
Metro: Google vann SIME Grand Prize
Dagens Media:
F&B, MEC och Aftonbladet nominerade till Sime
Finnar knäckte MEC och Carat i Sime
Sökjätten vann högsta vinsten på SIME
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Great People
Thank you for contributing to SIME 2007. Here are some of the great people that attended the event.
Great speakers: Dan "Let is burn" Dubno, CBS and David H Holtzman, privacy guru
Christopher Granfelt, SIME CEO and co-host Elisabeth Madsen, Ericsson.
Old colleagues: Daniel Ek, Spotify & Henrik Torstensson, Stardoll
Carl-Johan Grandinsson and Gustav Radell, Google.
Michele Anenberg Poma, founder of and fan. In the background: Rupert Schäfer of Burda Media.
Great speakers: Dan "Let is burn" Dubno, CBS and David H Holtzman, privacy guru
Jockum Hultén, Snowball Capital, Joachim Hövel, & David Sandgren, co-founder
Christopher Granfelt, SIME CEO and co-host Elisabeth Madsen, Ericsson.
Old colleagues: Daniel Ek, Spotify & Henrik Torstensson, Stardoll
Carl-Johan Grandinsson and Gustav Radell, Google.
Isabelle Hüttner and her entourage.
Michele Anenberg Poma, founder of and fan. In the background: Rupert Schäfer of Burda Media.
Maja Brisvall, BOP network and Thomas Crampton
More Pictures:
Mathias of g-life (Flickr)
Rodrigo Sepulveda (Flickr )
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The SIME backchannel is up
Thanks to Joakim Jardenberg of Mindpark for adding a Backchannel to SIME.
Do you intend to liveblog? Drop Joakim a note and he will add your feed.
SIME Anthem will be produced live on stage
Le Choix, an up-and-coming producer duo from Stockholm will produce the official SIME anthem live on stage during the course of the conference. They will collaborate intimately with the SIME Video Crew and a community of about 100 musicians in the making of the track using as the platform...
Monday, November 12, 2007
SIME Awards Nominees are announced
Today, the top nominees in each category of SIME Awards were made public. The winners will be announced at a gala dinner on Thursday night, Nov 15 at 11 pm. Very exciting!
Nominated entries for SIME Awards 2007
Best Internet Strategy
· (Sweden)
· Ottoboni Group - for their online strategy for Vin&Sprit (Sweden)
· (Sweden/Finland)
Best E-Commerce Company
· Gimlet – for “ATG Live” (Sweden)
· Tailor Store (Sweden)
· BraByggare (Sweden)
Best Online Campaign
· Valve Branding – for the campaign “Drunk, you’re a fool” (Finland)
· Mediafront – for the campaign “Try Drugs” (Norway)
· Aftonbladet – for the campaign ”Klimathotet – gör något nu!” (Sweden)
Best Online Entertainment
· Danish Radio – Children’s service “Oline” (Denmark)
· (Sweden/Finland)
· Tewonder – ”Radioapans ljudjakt” for Swedens Radio (Sweden)
Best Media Agency
· Carat (Sweden)
· Mediaedge:cia
· Toinen (Finland)
Best Creative Agency
· Ottoboni Group (Sweden)
· Doberman (Sweden)
· Forsman & Bodenfors (Sweden)
Best Systems Supplier
· ViewServe – for ”Heartbeat” (Sweden)
· Kamera - for ”APTN Video” (Sweden)
· Apptus Technologies - for ”Apptus Theca” (Sweden)
Best Mobile Solution
· Emdo - for the music service “DROPme” (Sweden)
· Kiwok - for the mobile healh check ”BodyKom” (Sweden)
· 3 – for “Skype for the mobile”
Best Technical Innovation
· PolarRose (Sweden)
· Coding Technologies - for “MPEG-4 aacPlus Audio Codec” (Sweden)
· Salling Software – for “Salling Clicker 3.5” (Sweden)
Nominated entries for SIME Awards 2007
Best Internet Strategy
· (Sweden)
· Ottoboni Group - for their online strategy for Vin&Sprit (Sweden)
· (Sweden/Finland)
Best E-Commerce Company
· Gimlet – for “ATG Live” (Sweden)
· Tailor Store (Sweden)
· BraByggare (Sweden)
Best Online Campaign
· Valve Branding – for the campaign “Drunk, you’re a fool” (Finland)
· Mediafront – for the campaign “Try Drugs” (Norway)
· Aftonbladet – for the campaign ”Klimathotet – gör något nu!” (Sweden)
Best Online Entertainment
· Danish Radio – Children’s service “Oline” (Denmark)
· (Sweden/Finland)
· Tewonder – ”Radioapans ljudjakt” for Swedens Radio (Sweden)
Best Media Agency
· Carat (Sweden)
· Mediaedge:cia
· Toinen (Finland)
Best Creative Agency
· Ottoboni Group (Sweden)
· Doberman (Sweden)
· Forsman & Bodenfors (Sweden)
Best Systems Supplier
· ViewServe – for ”Heartbeat” (Sweden)
· Kamera - for ”APTN Video” (Sweden)
· Apptus Technologies - for ”Apptus Theca” (Sweden)
Best Mobile Solution
· Emdo - for the music service “DROPme” (Sweden)
· Kiwok - for the mobile healh check ”BodyKom” (Sweden)
· 3 – for “Skype for the mobile”
Best Technical Innovation
· PolarRose (Sweden)
· Coding Technologies - for “MPEG-4 aacPlus Audio Codec” (Sweden)
· Salling Software – for “Salling Clicker 3.5” (Sweden)
Getting psyched for SIME - 2 days to go
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Presenting: Social Technology Expert David Holtzman
An increasingly important question that everyone in the digital industry needs to address is that of privacy. We are honoured that digital privacy guru David H. Holtzman is joining SIME07.
David is an Internet pioneer who helped oversee the Internet's wild growth from its infancy in the middle-1990s. During the turbulent late ‘90s during the Dot Com boom, he ran the most critical network in the world—the domain name system. As Chief Technology Officer of Network Solutions and the manager of the Internet's master root server, or the dot, he oversaw the growth of the commercial Internet from 500,000 to over 20,000,000 domain names. Is that cool or what?
He is the author of "Privay Lost" - a book on how technology is endangering our society.
His bio is one of the most impressive we have ever seen. Here are some of the things he has done:
- Military code-breaker
- Russian linguist
- Submariner with the U.S. Naval Security Group
- Intelligence analyst at the Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center
- Chief Scientist at IBM's Internet Information Technology group
- Senior analyst for Booz-Allen & Hamilton
- Advisor to over a dozen high tech companies in DC, Silicon Valley, Austin, Canada and New York.
- Author of several patents including Verisign’s Domain Name Registry and pseudonymous roaming.
An interesting article in BusinessWeek "Seek and Ye Shall Be Found" by David Holtzman.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The next generation of mobile services is coming to SIME - Part 1
SIME co-host Telenor is bringing some of their most interesting partners to SIME. We will present some of them here on the Blog. Meet them live at SIME next week!
Roger Grönberg and his team is developing Momail. Momail is easy, free of charge email in your mobile. The service utilizes a patent pending technique that optimizes every email to the mobile phone to which it is sent. This reduces the size of incoming emails and attachments up to 99 percent. Go to and get free mobile email today.
Listen to this Podcast about Momail from What's Next. (In Swedish).
Hi Roger! What problem is Momail adressing?
”The fact that people hesitate to use their mobile phones for emails. It's too difficult to get started, to use and it's too expensive”.
What is your background?
”I’m a serial entrepreneur, strategist and hands-on software developer. I founded Memory and Storage Technology in Sweden, and was lead software developer and VP at Euronet Online.
What about your music career?
Yeah, my time as a heavy metal rock star is a great experience that I bring to Momail. I spent some time with the group Nasty Idols.
What are your expectations for SIME?
Getting new and interesting insights from the mobile industry, meet friends, get new contacts and have some fun!
Roger Grönberg and his team is developing Momail. Momail is easy, free of charge email in your mobile. The service utilizes a patent pending technique that optimizes every email to the mobile phone to which it is sent. This reduces the size of incoming emails and attachments up to 99 percent. Go to and get free mobile email today.
Listen to this Podcast about Momail from What's Next. (In Swedish).
Hi Roger! What problem is Momail adressing?
”The fact that people hesitate to use their mobile phones for emails. It's too difficult to get started, to use and it's too expensive”.
What is your background?
”I’m a serial entrepreneur, strategist and hands-on software developer. I founded Memory and Storage Technology in Sweden, and was lead software developer and VP at Euronet Online.
What about your music career?
Yeah, my time as a heavy metal rock star is a great experience that I bring to Momail. I spent some time with the group Nasty Idols.
What are your expectations for SIME?
Getting new and interesting insights from the mobile industry, meet friends, get new contacts and have some fun!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Who wins the prize as most multi talented speaker?
We do have an amazing line-up of speakers this year. Some of them are just so multitalented you think they made their bios up! Just look at some of the talents of Joshua Cooper Ramo.
Joshua is the Senior Advisor to Goldman Sachs and a professor at Tsinghua University. His advisory work focuses on political, economic and business areas with a particular emphasis on China. He is the author of the widely discussed paper 'The Beijing Consensus', where he argues that constant, massive, sustained innovation is the core of the Chinese growth.
Joshua is the Senior Advisor to Goldman Sachs and a professor at Tsinghua University. His advisory work focuses on political, economic and business areas with a particular emphasis on China. He is the author of the widely discussed paper 'The Beijing Consensus', where he argues that constant, massive, sustained innovation is the core of the Chinese growth.
In his new report, “Brand China”, Ramo argues that China's national image, and the misalignment between China's image of itself and how it is viewed by the rest of the world, may be its greatest strategic threat. It argues that alongside its other reforms, China needs a 'fifth transition' if the trust and understanding necessary for the next stage of its development are to be achieved.
Formerly, Ramo was Editor at Large at Time Inc. He joined Time magazine in 1996, and went on to become the magazine’s youngest Assistant Managing Editor and Foreign Editor, overseeing Time’s international coverage. Ramo was also an international affairs analyst for CNN.
Formerly, Ramo was Editor at Large at Time Inc. He joined Time magazine in 1996, and went on to become the magazine’s youngest Assistant Managing Editor and Foreign Editor, overseeing Time’s international coverage. Ramo was also an international affairs analyst for CNN.
Joshua also holds two US national point-to-point air speed records and is an avid aerobatics pilot. He has described his dangerous hobby in the book: “No visible Horizon”.
And we know from previous years that he is an engaging and inspiring speaker as well! Don't miss him.
Friday, November 2, 2007
On Thursday November 1st, Google hosted the PRE-SIME event "Engine for business growth" together with Telenor and Ericsson.
Andreas Weigend introduces the idea of "Conversational Marketing"
"Just like actors on stage performing and expecting applause at the end of every act, companies spend endless hours internally carefully crafting PR messages, broadcasting them, and expecting customers to lap them up. Since each customer’s opinion is separated from the rest, collective voices could not be expressed.
That sweet self delusion has come to a dramatic end. We have entered the new era of conversational marketing, where the individual is clearly heard through blogs and social networks. In many cases, their credibility and outreach surpass the voices of the companies. Due to the nature of the blogosphere and search engines, critical articles often have similar ranking as the “official statements”.
Furthermore, opinions that resonate with others get reinforced and exponentially grow as people reference them, quote them, link to them and comment on them. Whether companies like it or not, conversations between customers happen, and they are fully empowered to form groups, support fellow customers, and spread the word, good and bad. And they trust each other significantly more than the companies whose PR stories they have long stopped to believe.
Companies now have a choice. Should they continue to be detached from the very platform where their customers interact and share information about their products? Or should they play an active, positive role, participating in the conversation to get feedback on improvements, while slowly understanding how they can tap into the customer pool and learn in a positive manner?
If you seek to follow the latter, what tools can you use to understand the tones and issues underlying those authentic conversations? How do you present a human face to your customers while working with the most credible voices in the audience to make your own voice more compelling and real? And at another level, what are the difficult conversations that you need to have with your various agencies to practice Conversational Marketing?"
Andreas Weigend, Nov 2007.
Andreas Weigend, who served as's Chief Scientist until 2004, is an expert in data mining and computational marketing. He currently teaches the course "Data Mining and E-Business" at Stanford University, as well as the executive course "Technology, Information, and Innovation". Until 1999, he was full-time faculty at New York University's Stern School of Business.
Meet Andreas Weigend at SIME 2007.
Pre-SIME Event Sturecompagniet Stockholm
Together with our co-hosts Google, Telenor and Ericsson we decided that we just could not wait to get a taste of some of the SIME magic so we arranged a Pre-SIME event at Sturecompagniet last night.
200 aficionados, media agency professionals and marketers had great hamburgers, played retro arcade games like Defender and Packman and shared beers and thoughts.
On stage Kurt Sillén, VP of Ericsson Mobility World and Business Innovation, Daniel Dersén, Head of Content and Premium Services at Telenor and Rikard Steiber, Director of Product Marketing EMEA, Google had a great panel. They all opened the hood of their respective company in an honest and educational discussion that managed to completely steal everyone’s attention. Well done guys on the panel and a special thanks to Gustaf Radell from Google who got the ball rolling!
The feeling was almost like the weight-in at a title fight, full of anticipation and excitement for what is soon to come.
This is what Jonas Hombert, co-founder, Jaycut, thought of last night:
”Pre-SIME was a great warm-up for the main event. It was actually so good that it raised my expectations for the main event! But considering the agenda, the amazing list of speakers, participants and hosts, I am convinced my expectations will be surpassed on November 14-15.”
SIME is almost here, can't wait... /Ola Ahlvarsson
Digital Dan from CBS News is coming to SIME!
Photo by Amy Nevala, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
It's Digital Dan time at SIME07. Dan Dubno, the CBS veteran and gadget guru takes us through the must haves in technology on his special SIME show on Nov 14 (at 16.30). Don't miss him!
Dan regularly appears on-air as Digital Dan on a variety of CBS News broadcasts discussing new technology. His technology website, Gizmorama, is one of the most popular technology review sites on the Internet. He also writes a monthly technology column for Discover Magazine, and contributes to other science magazines on occasion.
Winner of numerous National Emmy awards, Dubno was previously a producer of the Eye on America enterprise reports for the CBS Evening News, and he produced investigative and feature segments for Eye to Eye with Connie Chung, America Tonight and economics coverage for CBS This Morning.
Everyone vs. Facebook
We’re seeing a Flixster application on MySpace now through the OpenSocial APIs. Flixster says it took them less than a day to create this.
Wow! do things change quickly in the Internet world. I remember that old saying from back in 90s about one Internet year being like four ordinary years. Just when we thought that Facebook was about to win the social community war, Google strikes back. And they are not alone in this struggle. Just about everyone is ganging up on Facebook. I cannot wait to hear more from Google at SIME07!
MySpace, Six Apart and Bebo have now confirmed that they are joining Google’s OpenSocial initiative. Orkut, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Ning, Hi5, Plaxo, Friendster, Viadeo and Oracle have already announced that they are Google partners on this initative.
In short, OpenSocial will launch a set of common APIs, designed to create an alternative developer platform to that offered by Facebook. The idea is of course to draw back third-party developer efforts from Facebook’s proprietary platform, and back towards the web as the platform.
TechCrunch is pretty straightforward: "Google may have just come out of nowhere and checkmated Facebook in the social networking power struggle."
On October 31, Google stock passed through $700 a share, becoming the 5th largest listed company in the United States.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Is “free” a better business model than “paid”?
Stefan Glänzer, former Chairman is coming to SIME07.
Tricky question #1: Who is not so smart?
1 the new companies, without business models but with many happy users?
X the traditional industrialists that say happiness is positive cash flow?
2 you
Find out at SIME07 on Nov 15 @15.20.
We expect a great discussion between:
Tariq Krim, CEO and founder Netvibes, Tristan Nitot, Founder and President of Mozilla Europe and Stefan Glänzer, former executive chairman and investor,, founder and CEO,
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